If you’ve been around prophetic/charismatic circles for any amount of time, you have, no doubt, heard the term “new sound”. My concern is that while it is becoming a more common phrase, people are getting used to it without diving into what it actually is. What does it mean? Why is it important? A good majority of worship leaders are frustrated because at some point they were passionate about it when they first heard it, but they haven’t apprehended it, and now the phrase is being tossed about more frequently and widespread. Recently, it seems to be in another cycle of popularity. I want to help ease frustration and point to some truth and revelation as best I can with the knowledge and experience I have to offer. I am still in my own pursuit of this after over 17 years because while I have apprehended it to a degree, I have not arrived. There is more. There is so much more. And I am unbelievable stoked to be living in a time when the “new sound” is being poured out on the earth.
I want to lay some ground-work before we get into the worship and sound portion of the post because I think there are some vital keys to understanding where the Lord is taking us that we need to look at.
When I say government, I am referring to any structure of belief or power that seeks to build itself up in us and around us in order to govern us and, by extension, culture and society.
There are false governments constantly seeking to frame up and rule in our lives and in the earth. Fear, for example, is a structure of belief that sets itself up in us and around us and seeks to govern the way that we feel, the way that we act, what we believe, how we live, etc. It is a false government, but a government, nonetheless.
Sickness and disease seek to govern us.
False government.
Death and decay seek to govern our lives.
False government.
Control and manipulation seek to govern.
False government.
Depression, hopelessness, anxiety, addiction, you name it; these are things that seek to set themselves up as structures of government in our lives and in society and culture. They seek to control and maintain power over us, to dictate the events of our lives and the choices we make, etc.
They are examples of false governments that must be destroyed and replaced with the government of God in our lives and in society.
In Him all things are in order, all things move in freedom, all things are governed by love, righteousness, joy, and peace. When we live in the government of God, our entire being comes into order. When our entire being comes into order, the frequency of our lives and words bring that very government into situations around us, relationships, society, and culture. We are carriers of the Government of God as Sons, as the Bride, as co-laborers with Him; seated with Christ in heavenly places. The peace of God is true government. The justice, kindness, love, compassion, holiness, righteousness, gentleness, patience, wisdom, understanding, and counsel of God, etc. are true government. The entire nature of God and His attributes are all facets of true government.
Now, I want to talk for a minute about justice. I’ve taught a lot on justice over the years, and if you hop over to the teachings and resources tab on my website, there’s a teaching on prophetic worship releasing the justice of God. I encourage you to listen to it because it will fill some blanks that I’m not going to go into on this post.