Space is limited! Reserve your spot TODAY!
Join us for this life changing tour to Israel!
This tour will be less focused on visiting site after site (Don’t worry, we’ll still see a lot!) and more focused on having time to experience the land and connect with our purpose there, engage with the heart of the Lord, and connect with our own hearts as we stand in Zion as the Zion People!
Just a few examples. we will spend time:
*experiencing the waters of the Galilee, the Sea of Salt (known as the Dead Sea), the waterfalls of En Gedi, and the waters of Hezzekiah’s tunnel by which David took the stronghold of Zion
*on the Balm of Gilead farm, possibly planting trees, etc.
(Please note that everything is subject to change. We will release an itinerary and will do our best to adhere to it, but everything is subject to change. Rest assured that you will have the time of your life in Israel!)
I will be teaching and leading worship on this tour as we journey through the land. In addition, we have both Dr Yana Sanders and Darla Fields who will be teaching as well. The three of us cannot wait to be with you all!
Our Israeli guide is one of the BEST in Israel. Yael Moav is the official tour guide for National Geographic tours to Israel, and our dear friend. She leads prestigious diplomatic tours, and she has joyfully agreed to be with us! This is incredible and we are going to have so much fun! She is full of LIFE and loves Israel!
Space is limited so secure your spot TODAY!
Cost for the tour is $4400 (per person based on double occupancy. If you would like a single room, the cost is an additional $1100) which includes all lodging for the dates of the tour, full breakfast and dinner, bus, guide, entrance fees, and tips.
Airfare to and from Tel Aviv and lunches are not included.
*BTO Community, please fill out this registration form, but talk to Darla directly about payment
*Due to the nature of this tour, there will be no scooters available. All who are participating will need to be able to walk without the assistance of a scooter for the duration of the tour
*PLEASE NOTE* Once you are done filling out the registration form, you MUST come back to this page, scroll to the bottom, and use the donate button to make your payments. You may pay in full or in installments, but note that there is a non-refundable $500 deposit with NO exceptions
Please also note that you will be added to the WhatsApp chat for the tour when you register and it’s important that you download that app and accept the invite. There is a zoom meeting recording that you must watch before you purchase airline tickets and the link is in that chat…in addition to the best people in the world who you get to travel with and that chat is a great place to be!
Now, fill out this form and let’s go to Israel!!
Payment information is as follows:
$500 non-refundable deposit, no exceptions
-Payments can be made in 4 payments of $975 each
-You may also choose to pay in two payments of $1,950
-Or one payment of 3,900+$500 deposit
*Please have all payments in by March 15, exceptions can be made for anyone joining the tour after that. We want to welcome everyone who wants to be in Israel at this time, so if you are seeing this past the March 15th date, please know that if you have access to this page, there is room for you, and we are able to accommodate last minute additions to this tour thanks to the gracious allowance of the friends we are working with in Israel.
Please use the button below to submit payments and before you send payment, please select friends and family! This is very important!