Alert, to His leading.
I’m typing to bring lightning
to the landscape of my slightly sensitive
heightened residence,
inviting His precedence to arrive in presence…
presenting open hands
with words like pillows
to rest Your ears,
smoke stirred up through fragrant tears,
I am here,
like fear
…where it should only be placed.
hungry, pursuing,
trusting, in faith.
Your presence comes
like a warm, fragrant rain.
Aromatically activating
all that inhabits this space,
enacting like grace
- this is undeserved.
nor reserved,
but honestly undone.
Pausing to shun counterfeit sums;
religious puns
with hopes to latch on to speech propelled,
but the leaking of this compelling
is telling of projectiles that can’t be contained.
Exhaling breaths from strained frames
that have bent to proclaim
through pains but remained,
So, I remain…
in face of the Purger,
Who breathes upon my frame,
inviting a merger…
My Preserver,
who brings life to me,
and speaks right where I deplete,
to rewrite what I delete
and recites speech that only He can speak.
He’s filling my exhaling,
instilling with each infilling
the voids I lift up
like holes in my soul,
that can no longer evade Him…
This is worship,
of the King who is higher.
So, I bring my desire,
like sparks on kindling…
I breathe,
specifically to serve up a fire.
He in I,
rising up for my Sire,
pulled from the mire,
now planted on the rock,
dug down from the place
where He granted that I stop,
serving my affliction.
Circling, rehearsing what’s missing,
in Him, it’s dismissed in
the midst of forgiveness,
bore in the sins He took
and now I witness
like a recalling of events
carrying the weight of His imprint.
Humbled by the loss of what I deserve
and the gaining of what I do not.
Grace came fully for a sinner
that was caught,
unable to soar free,
now I spring forth like seeds,
in this journey that He leads
in each moment of abiding,
residing in this gliding of His winds,
and yet brought within His wings.
So, I sing a redeemed anthem
that echoes His heart beat,
like speech given to that hidden
in plain sight,
that more might awake,
and take flight.
© VISTO 2019