The Journey Audio Streaming
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! As you know, I opened up a Patreon account almost two years ago and encouraged everyone to switch over for more content and engagement. At this time, I’ve decided to discontinue adding content to this platform and all content will be added to Patreon only. I will keep all existing content here for all who still want access. I know that some of you continue to subscribe to support me and I am forever grateful for that. You may continue to do that, or you may decide to terminate your subscription and switch over to Patreon. I would LOVE to have you over there! There’s a lot more content and it’s just a fun platform.
I want to thank you all for your love and support of me and of The Journey over the past 5 years. The Journey hasn’t ended…it’s just continuing over on Patreon! Join the Patreon Community! Love you all dearly.
Welcome to The Journey! (released between the 20-25th of each month) available to stream on any device, or download from your laptop or computer. Right now mobile downloads (specifically for apple mobile devices. Others have had success downloading to a mobile device) are not seamless on this platform (we are working on that diligently to improve the download process for you and make it an easy, enjoyable experience) But for now, you can choose to download audio on a non-mobile device, a non iOs mobile device, as well as having the option to stream from any device straight from this page. There are links to PDF’s specific to the session they are posted under containing pertinent notes about the session (i.e. explaining things that happened during the session, how to engage with the session, scripture, etc.) I would encourage you to download the notes, and set aside some undistracted time to enter into this worship experience.
May you encounter the depths of the love of God, may your eyes be opened to new realms of His heart and Kingdom, and may you be ever solidified in your union with Him.
Announcement! Patreon and The Journey partner zoom!
Meeting ID: 983 016 7714
Passcode: 133690
Hey Journey fam! I thought I would do something a bit different this month. This is an exclusive Journey release and only Journey subscribers will have the link to this full session. It was such a sweet time. I pray you are so so blessed as you engage with the Lord in this.Love you guys so much and praying for you all!
This instrumental at 444hz is an engaging with Eden by the rivers edge. Half way through recording I thought I might change the name to He Restores my Soul because it was ministering to me in that way as if He was leading me beside still waters and restoring my soul. He was…only it was on the peace filled banks of the river in Eden…before my soul needed restoring. It was a quantum kind of healing. I recorded multiple layers while high on Mount Rainier and incorporated them and layered them together for this track. The sounds of nature are as much a part of the music as the piano. This track stayed extremely calm, even, and simple, but deep. I hope your meditation times are blessed, I hope it helps you sleep in peace in His glory, I hope it helps bring peace in your home and hearts. I love you guys!
I so love and appreciate you all and consider you partners in the ministry God has called me to. As a thank you, I wanted to provide a link to a digital copy of my book The Singing Mountain. I hope it blesses you huge! May the Spirit of wisdom and revelation rest on you as you read and take you deeper than my words ever could.