
Steady On, Forerunner... by Elisabeth Cooper

Steady on, forerunner


The challenges of being a forerunner can sometimes seem to outweigh the rewards. But we are only overcome by our challenges when we break gaze with the eyes of fire that fuel our strength and resolve; when we break connection with the Heart of Heaven that provides our confidence, affirmation, and provision. One nano-second of broken gaze in this rough terrain, and the torrents of all the challenges present themselves with puffed up chests, yelling loudly that you will never make it, and attempting to overtake your courageous heart with doubt of purpose. 

He is our portion, our reward, our strength. He is always faithful, kind, and good. We stand unshakable and immovable in this. 

So in your moments of doubt and discouragement, lock your gaze again with the One who has all the strength and provision you could hope for and more. 

The road has been long, but in its length we have seen all the goodness of God overtake darkness. We've seen miracles on this road, far from the sight of the masses. We have learned boldness and strength and how to rise victoriously. We have learned to teach and to listen and love. We have stopped and poured our hearts out for the one. Let's never stop doing what we do. Never stop blazing a trail; even though some days, a lot of days, it has felt more like taking a pickaxe to brick and we haven't moved an inch. If we look into His heart, we will see the road we've made for others to follow. It's there. It's brilliant and beautiful and waiting for the brave and hungry to traverse it. And just up over this mountain we are climbing is the morning sun. So, look up and steady on. 

Forerunner, you are not forgotten. And your King is filled with zeal and joy to move on your behalf.

So, get ready for the thunder.

Because it's coming.

And you get to bring it.  

#wearethebringersofthunder #steadyonwarrior

© Elisabeth Cooper 2018