The release of the Dance of David in the earth:
2 Samuel 6:12-15
“And it was told King David, the Lord has blessed the house of Obed-edom and all that belongs to him, because of the ark of God. So David went and brought up the ark of God from the house of Obed-edom into the City of David with rejoicing. And when those who bore the ark of the Lord had gone six paces, he sacrificed an ox and failing. And David danced before the Lord with all his might, clad in a linen ephod [A priest’s upper garment]. So David and all the house of Israel brought up the ark of the Lord with shouting and with the sound of the trumpet.”
Last year the Lord spoke to me about the dance of David filling the earth again. That there would be an awakening to the dance of David and understanding would fill the hearts of the people of God of the power they hold in their hearts and in their feet in this new era we’ve stepped into.
This was the word:
January 10, 2019
“I am releasing a dance that will strike the earth
I am releasing a dance from inside the flame of wisdom that will strike the earth with joy and darkness will scatter from the nations
I will strike the earth with the dance of wisdom and abandon
I will strike the earth with the dance of victory and release
I will strike the earth with the dance of delight in the fear of the Lord
I will strike the earth with the dance of My governmental supremacy
I will strike the earth with the dance of David once again
And watch and see as I bring the nations into rejoicing
As I bring the nations into shaking
As the governments of men crumble and fall to the ground
And the sound of the government of God ushers in on the sound of the feet of the redeemed who dance and rejoice and worship.
Strike the earth with the dance of heaven all you redeemed!
For I am about to bring understanding to my people about the power they hold in their hearts and in their feet as they grab the rope of My heritage and synchronize with me in holy abandon and rejoicing”
The Lord is releasing an awaking of the dance of David in the earth.
It’s about more than just a dance of abandonment and joy, although it is certainly and completely soaked and covered in both. It is also about a prophetic declaration, pulling from another age. This is about a royal priesthood rising up to govern and reign in the earth.
When David danced that dance in the linen ephod, he was wearing the garment of a priest. Yet, he was a king. He most certainly was not a levitical priest. He wasn’t of the tribe of Levi. He was of the tribe of Judah. So what was he doing?
I always say that David was a man out of time. He truly lived from another age, from revelation of a future covenant. In the same way that David was a man out of time, he was also a man out of place. Genetically, politically, spiritually. He had no natural right to claim priesthood. So, how was this possible?
Enter: Melchizidek.
In Davids own Psalm (110) He says, (speaking of the Messiah) “The Lord has sworn and will not revoke or change it: You are a priest forever, in the manner and order of Melchizedek…”
David had a prophetic understanding of the priesthood of Melchizedek that lit the way to the dance he danced that day before the ark of the Lord.
He claimed a supernatural rope of heritage and legacy. He entered into a place of supernatural understanding and he danced in and from that place. He knew that there was something higher than his own earthly bloodline. That he wasn’t bound by that. He knew he could step into a place of authority some would say he had no right to because he couldn’t claim priesthood in the order of Aaron. But he stepped in, nonetheless. He stepped in and he ruled from that place with wild abandon. He threw off the garments that tied him to the earth and he wore prophetic garments of the authority and role that he knew he had access and a responsibility to claim. He grabbed the rope of God’s heritage and he held to it. He let his DNA come into alignment with the supernatural bloodline of Christ to live in a heritage and authority outside of his natural birthright and position. He prophetically stepped into serving the Lord as a priest in the order of Melchizedek; an order that is both a priestly and kingly role.
So, too, will a company of people rise as kings and priests in the earth. They will fully align with the inheritance of God for their lives and they will dance the dance of rejoicing that will bring justice to nations. They will come loose from earthly garments, titles, and labels, and they will grab hold of the higher reality available to them: Union with Yeshua that yields all our inheritance and bestows authority upon us to govern. They will un-tether from earthly limitations and come into limitlessness in the Spirit to establish His government on earth as it is in heaven.
There’s a David company rising! And they will dance!
Image ©David Wilson